Statistics on Youth Violence

              Youth violence has spread vastly across the United States, according to the: OJJDP, CDC, and BJA                       

¯  In the year 2012, 12% of murders (USA) were committed by kids under the age of 18.
¯  It has been estimated that in the year 2010, 794 youth under 18 years old were arrested for homicide.
¯  According to a national survey, for every teen that was arrested, at least 1 out of every 15 were engaged in violence so severe that could have seriously injured or killed another person. 
¯  More than 1.2 million gang members were estimated to be active in the United States in more than 32,000 gangs in September 2012.
¯  In the year 2011, there were 1,824 incidents of juvenile gang killings compared to 580 in the year 1999.

Youth violence in Georgia has dropped almost 50% according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in the 2012, compared to 2004:

¯  28 juveniles were arrested for murder or negligent manslaughter
¯  840 for aggravated assault 
¯  1,500 for burglary, 4,979 for larceny and 393 for robbery
¯  715 juveniles were arrested for possession of a weapon
¯  3,553 juveniles were arrested for disorderly conduct, which means they simply had nothing to do and caused a disturbance.